Faux frappuccinos with friends

The Inspiration

I love frappuccinos. I buy them at Starbucks, Caribou (even though they call it a Cooler), at gas stations, anywhere I can find them. I (along with my girlfriend Olivia) was craving one this week and I didn’t want to go to Starbucks to get one.

The Pioneer Woman gave me inspiration this week. She has one of the longest lasting food blogs on the net and her frappuccino recipe is out of this world.

The recipe is pretty basic, you need coffee, milk and some sort of flavoring. Her recipe is based on the traditional mocha frappuccino, mine is a vanilla frappuccino.

The Recipe


Here is what you need:

(12) oz of very strong coffee (espresso preferred) I used cold brew

(1) coffee filter

(1/3) cup sweetened condensed milk (more to taste)

(8) oz of milk (your preference on the type)

(3) teaspoons vanilla extract (more to taste)

as many icecubes as you deam neccesary

(1) blender

something to enjoy your frappes in (glass works best)

If you don’t have espresso in your cupboard, you can make really strong coffee. I chose to make my coffee in coldpress form. There is a really good recipe that Pioneer Woman includes in her recipe. It makes way too much for this recipe, so I cut it into eighths. Crazy I know.

If you already have the coffee made skip steps one and two. 

Step One

Place about a 1/3 cup of coffee grounds in a mason jar, add a cup of water. Let it sit unrefrigerated for at least 12 hours.


Step  Two

Using a coffee filter and something to hold it in, strain coffee into a cup.


Step Three

Combine all ingredients except ice into blender and blend.


Step Four

Add as many ice cubes as you want. I added about 15 coffee cubes to mine to increase the coffee flavor. You can use regular ice too.


Step Five

Taste your concoction. If it doesn’t taste right, add whatever you think it’s missing. I added extra vanilla and sweetened condensed milk.

Step Six


The Verdict

“Woah! That’s a lot better than I expected!” – Olivia

“Wow” – her friend.

These hit the spot every time and they are way cheaper than anything you’d get from Starbucks.

Cheers to cheap coffee!

Pro Tip

I think if you sealed your frappes in a mason jar (or something with a pop top) you can keep them in the fridge for a little longer than expected. I haven’t tried it yet, but I will soon enough.

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